A friend gave me this plant saying it comes from Vietnam. In good conditions, it should give every night one beautiful white flower that die in the morning. Does anyone has an idea of its name ? Thank you
Thank you Ron ;-) It's also called "Dutchman's-Pipe Cactus". I just found a video of the night blooming. Quite amazing to see ! http://realuniverse.nao.ac.jp/slow/WindowsMedia/030905o.wmv
Epiphyllum yes, but where is the conclusive evidence for the oxypetalum assertion? It could just as easily be a hybrid....
I read here : "The cuttings should be planted upside down - meaning that you should plant the small growing end of the cutting 1-2 inches deep in the soil." Can anyone confirm this information ? I found some other good informations here : http://junglecactus.com/care.htm http://www.angelfire.com/ca/SSaSSSy/Epiphyllum.html