Hi, plant expert types. I was wondering if you could help me identify this plant. My father's been growing it in our front garden, and his pride and delight in the thing is slightly marred by the fact that he doesn't have a clue what it is. :) Here's a picture of the plant in its entirety, and another with a close up of the flowers and leaves. Can anyone tell me what sort of plant this is? I'd be extremely grateful.
Erm. I'm sure I'm doing something dumb, but I can't get the VBcode to work to display the thumbnail images, so I just linked to the pics instead, as I didn't want huge images killing connections or skewing tables. I'll fiddle with it a bit more and see if I can work out what I'm doing wrong :/ ETA: Ah. Attachments. D'uh! Fixed.
A species of Echium, not sure which, but probably one of the species from the Canary Islands (compare e.g. Echium wildpretii, which is similar to but not the same as yours).
Wow, that was fast! Thank you so much. Echium Pininana it is. You're brilliant. He'll be chuffed. Thanks so much. :)