Agree, what don't you like about the smell? I find it can be a bit cloying if inhaled deeply, but not too bad from a distance.
I rarely find it in me to hate any plant, but this ubiquitous creeper is a creep! The scent is cloying as Daniel says, but I can see how some find it pleasant. In my supersaturated experience with this thug in Florida, most complaints of summer colds are actually allergies to Trachylospermum jasminoides. I won't tolerate it around me, wouldn't buy or rent a home with a long established one because my eyes and sinuses wouldn't allow me to root it out. To each his own, but there's a reason you won't find this at Disneyworld. Plus I'm just so over the whole Confederacy thing. That's just so two centuries ago! (Common name here is Confederate Jasmine.)