I have a large area, several acres, of spiraea along my creek bottom field. In years past the blooms have always been entirely white --- at least I never saw colored blooms. A couple weeks ago, while returning from birding, my eye spotted a few very noticeable pink blooms among the sea of white and green. I was hurried and snapped a couple of pictures with the intent of going back later --- unfortunately, that did not happen! While, on the surface there appeared to be prominent similarities, my initial impression was that the leaves do seem to be more rough and their features more prominent on the pink-blooming plants than on the white-bloomers. I don't know if I can get back down there to do a thorough examine but I will keep it as a goal. Here are a pink and a white for comparison, do you think they are both the same Spiraea Latilolia or might there be a variance? Oops, since doing this post I've stumbled onto another one that I'd like confirmation of. I think it is Helianthus Strumosus, but I am not positive.