It's been 3 or 4 weeks since I posted anything. I took this picture near the end of August in an Alpine field. It looks a lot like a dandelion, but it is held together more strongly. Is it a dandelion or somehing else? Charlie
Pic is one I took of Tragopon dubius seedhead a few years ago Perhaps yours might be a thistle of some kind? Lots of Composites to choose from. There appears to be a whorl of bracts, which I don't recall being like that in T. Hard to tell without a pic of the whole plant & maybe some details of leaves etc. ...of course it you go back & look again, the seeds will have blown away, away, away... gb.
Here's another picture that shows the surrounding vegetation. The large, broad leaves appear to be associated with the seed pod. Hope this helps Charlie
Could this be Senecio viscosus? The Tragopon dubius seed head looks to fragil compared to this. Charlie