Found this in my garden today unexpectedly. It looks like poison ivy to me, but I've handled it inadvertently without a problem. I think this means either that I am immune (unlikely) or that it it something else. But what? Jim
Looks like. I'd be more certain knowing where it is growing and how it climbs and vines. But I wouldn't touch it, just from these pics. In an untended woodland, it would be at the edges or in dappled shade areas, seedlings scattered around, vine may be almost invisible on rough barked tree trunks. There is a curiously dull appearance to the leaves, and often a red tinge to petioles. The leaves turn a bright red with the Fall. Quite pretty. Most humans will have the allergic dermatitis reaction to contact with Toxicodendron radicans and related plants. Some, me for one, have a limited apparent immunity to it. Don't count on that. I've rolled around in it with three cousins who all were affected, and I had nothing. But your immunity can change with age or exposure. Sometimes the dryness of your skin seems to decrease the amount of reaction, and the single best thing you can do post exposure is to wash with soap and water.