It looks weed to me... just to confirm. I did sow some seeds in the area last year including popy and carnation, etc. Thanks.
It is not Carnation. Doesn't look like a Poppy, either. Does it have a bulb? You don't have to pull the plant out, just check with your hand.
I am reasonably sure that it is a member of the Dandelion "family" (Compositae). One of many, many weed species in that grouping. A lot of them have this rosette leaf habit, with a tall flowering stem in the summer. You could wait and see. Just remember to dispoe of it before it's seeds get all over!
Sure I'llkeep an eye on it. Only knew dandelion with narrower leaves. @Sundrop, it doesn't have a bulb and seems having a tap root.
Interesting. Leave it until it blooms and post the photos of the flowers. Since it has a taproot there is no danger it will spread, as rhizomatous weeds could. If it is a weed, what most likely it is, don't wait until it forms seeds, remove the flowers and/or the whole plant just after the flowers open.
This is undoubtedly Lactuca muralis (Mycelis muralis) aka Wall Lettuce, my garden nemesis. It is very hard to get rid of because the long, thin, rhizomatous roots are virtually impossible to pull out completely and any left behind waste no opportunity to re-sprout. Whatever you do, don't let it go to seed.