i planted some wildflower mix and now am having trouble identifying weeds vs. flower. this yellow flower started growing and i left it, but now it has become a huge problem! it is spreading like crazy and overtaking everything else. is it a weed? what kind and what's the best way to remove it without harming the flowers around? the 5 or six yellow flowers become this star shaped seed pod, it looks like it has a base that it comes from but the stems grow really long and spread everywhere. help!
Chris, I think that is Bird's Foot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), a member of the Pea family generally classified as a weed. Some people suggest using a paint brush to apply an herbicide such as glyphosate directly to the foliage.
wow! i googled that and that is exactly what it is! thanks so much! good idea with the paint brush, apparently if i had some livestock they could eat it for me!
You could also try weeding it out and composting it. It is a legume therefore nitrogen fixing. It won't harm your soil. Useful plant in my paddocks Liz