We just bought a house and have a few of these shrubs growing on the side of the house (the house faces south). I thought the leaves look like fig leaves but these look like shrubs so then I was wondering if it is a weed?? They are only about a foot tall and there are no fruit. Can someone please identify this?
Yes, Fig Ficus carica, but only a seedling - it'll be a fair few years yet before it is old enough to have any fruit.
Thanks Ron B and Michael F. I'm so grateful to have found this forum! We will likely move the ficus carica. I read somewhere that fig tree roots could get into, and damage plumbing and this is right next to the house! Will start to do some research on how to tend to our ficus carica.
In general tree roots get into pipes that are already leaking beforehand. Otherwise there is nothing to attract them and no way for them to get in.