Hi All. I just found this tree near my home. Some tould me it is a Cornus but I'm not really sure, so I would like to ask if one of you can recognise it and tell me if it is or not one of this sp. Kind regards Gabriel Patagonia / Chile.
Hi woodschmoe, You're correct. I was looking in the web for Cornus mas, and it looks like the one I have. Many Thanks Gabriel
For future reference, comparing photos only is often not adequate for making positive identifications. For example, although I think this is likely to be the more commonly cultivated C. mas in this instance there is another grown, C. officinalis that looks quite similar and is distinguished by specific anatomical details mentioned in written descriptions. Correct identifications made on the internet are sometimes rejected by those looking at additional photos elsewhere on the web of the plant suggested and then deciding they do not look the same. Occasional threads may go around and around because the original query was made by someone who is not reading any written descriptions during the course of trying to get a name for their plant.