Grows wild in a small canyon above my place, many small trees make a nice grove and shelter lots of wildlife. I don't see these trees anywhere else but in this canyon.
Darn...was hoping it was beech. Elms are weeds here, but have small leaves compared to these. The leaves on this tree are easily 3 inches long, and the trunk looks more delicate (almost frail) than an elm (which would make good fence posts if we weren't afraid they'd root!!!)
Dutch elms (I believe) grow everywhere in the Okanagan...even in ditches. I've got two and they're chainsaw candidates any day now. These trees in the canyon don't look like any other tree within miles. Thanks for the ID folks.
Ulmus × hollandica (U. carpinifolia × U. glabra) is certainly a good possibility for this plant. It also looks fairly like the U. carpinifolia parent (but definitely isn't U. glabra).