This strange looking shrub seems to be coming up in quite a few places in our garden. I'm basically considering it an invasive plant because it grows fast, and is crowding out my existing attractive plants. It keeps its leaves all year round, and so far I haven't seen any flowers. In the first photo it is the darker shrub growing into an azalea, and in the last photo it shows the shrub growing in a flowerbed with hostas. Please help me identify this plant, so I'll know for sure that it should be removed from my garden. Any help would be much appreciated. CM
Little bit hard to tell from just the foliage but it looks rather like Daphne laureola. If it produces green flowers like the ones in this shot, that's it.
Thank you so much, your help is much appreciated! I just viewed your link and also googled "Daphne Laureola", and it all does seem to match. I think I will go ahead and try to remove this shrub from our garden. Thanks again. CM
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