Hi, I'm from Trinidad and Tobago which is very close to Venezuela. I have attached 2 pictures of a tree which I am having trouble identifying. I have been told that it drops all its leaves when flowering to give large yellow flowers, described as "like a lotus". I'm not sure if it is rare but I have never seen any other trees of this type. I have also been told that it seems quite difficult to cultivate. Unfortunately I have no pictures of the flowers or seed pods/fruits. Indeed, I am not sure of the type of fruit it bears. I will post pictures of whenever it does bear fruit or flower again but until then, it would be amazing if anyone could identify this beautiful tree. Thank you, shaka hislop
Wow. I find it amazing that you could identify this tree so quickly. Thank you very much. however, before I head off to the university library, do you have any more information/links to information about this tree that you could show me? My internet searches revealed only one other site. I am interested in its lifecycle, lifespan, origin, any information really. This tree has apparently been on a friend's family land for a long time and no one could identify the tree even though they all admire it when it blooms. Once again, thank you very much. shaka hislop
Found this Russian page with some good photos (link to google translation below): http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&u=http://www.flowers.bitrix.ru/forum/forum12/topic57735/messages/%3FPAGEN_1%3D2&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=2&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3D%25D0%25A1ochlospermum%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-GB:official%26hs%3DeVs%26sa%3DG Otherwise general search results: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Co...s=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&client=firefox-a PS any relation?: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaka_Hislop
I think I have found why you could not find anything: you copyied the name from my post and pasted it into the search string, right? While answering I did several more jobs at once and switched keyboard several times, eventually the first character appeared to be Cyrillic C not Latin, both look identical and are under the same button on keyboard. Sorry for this. Either type the name manually or copy it now, -- I have amended the previous post. My appologied again.
I twigged that out too, eventually ;-) My second link to google search results (above) is with the Latin C
Hey, thanks again, I have found loads of information now that I have made the correction. Tyrlych, I have been looking at the olympics, dobrynska and blonska were impressive to take the one-two. And no, Michael, no relation to shaka, the keeper, who you might have known from the premiership. he's just a namesake (and a national hero). Cheers.