This is yet another plant I bought from a craft sale, and I have no idea what it is. I've had it at least four or five months and it seems to be doing quite well, but I want to know what it is so I can care for it correctly. It's mostly green and has never flowered, but the underside of the leaves are purple-tinged and the leaves themselves have a faint fuzziness to them Can anyone help me out? Hope so, you guys have been so helpful in the past... Mars
l plant's id is correct. common name is 'purple passion' you actually don't want it to flower!! the flowers have a nasty scent to them. keep moderately moist and use a well draining mix - regular potting soil and perlite. container should have drainage holes, too. very bright indirect light. likes to be fairly warm (info to remember come winter - keep it in a spot where it won't be cooler than 65). they can get leggy, so, periodically pinching back and even a strong trimming on occassion, will help it to stay 'bushy'.