I work at a store in New York City, and we sell a cone known to us only as a "Rose Cone." A customer from the UK has purchased one, but in order to ship it to them, we need to know its botanical name and origin. Up to this point, we are very much stumped. Attached is an image, if anyone knows what this is or could possibly be, any help would be appreciated.
Sorry, don't know what it is, but it isn't from any species of conifer (including not a cedar). The items at the 'Cedar Rose' link are the tops of disintegrated cedar cones.
Huh, by a stroke of luck, I said to myself: that sure resembles a Banksia. Searched for Banksia cones... How about Banksia laricina? From that page:
Right on, thank you all for the help-- we would've been looking forever before we found it. We really appreciate your time, you should try and stop by next time you're in New York!