Hello - Is this flower anise or Italian Parsley? I say parsely. The flower smells like vanilla, honey and sugar. It is so fragrant, no matter what it is, I will grow it forever. Thanks (click on link to see pics) -
The leaves and conspicuous involucre would suggest Daucus carota, otherwise known as "Queen Anne's Lace" or "Wild Carrot."
Carrot or Queen Anne's Lace would be my guess. You will have to let it re-seed as it's biannual. I usually plant the last of my carrots from the previous year in early spring rather than trying to keep track of the seedlings over winter
Don't worry, if it is wild carrot, you'll be growing it forever! http://www.invasiveplants.ab.ca/Downloads/WildCarrot.pdf
Hmmmm....a non-native from Europe, well, wouldn't you know it. It sure is the largest wild carrot I have ever seen, over 5 feet tall, and it is the only one - it is not spreading. Strangley enough, my curly leaf parsley is flowering (on the other side of the garden) and smells similiar to this flower (sweet, honey-like). No way this is any relation to parsely? Well, I will cut the flowers and kill the plant if you all are sure this is an invasive.
I'm not sure it's wild carrot. Do you have access to a scanner? If not, take a photo of the leaf pattern (or if so, scan it). Considering we're not 100% sure of its identity, I'd wear gloves while doing this - some members in this family are photodermatotoxic, meaning nasty rashes if the juices get on skin. I doubt that it is, but one can't be too sure.
I would say the plant is very likely a relative of parsley, it certainly appears to be in the Apiaceae. It looks more like anise or angelica than wild carrot (all members of Apiaceae, also called Umbelliferae.) You may want to let it grow for now, just remove the seeds to prevent spreading. Daniel's advice on the gloves, should be heeded. Some people do have very strong reactions to plants in this family.
Yes - I do have a scanner and will scan the leaf pattern (using gloves). Would hate to remove this plant before really knowing what it is.
Here is the flower (closeup), a leaf (with my cat, Mr. Hyde, contemplating its taste), and a scan of the same leaf.... http://home.comcast.net/~john.andliz/flower.jpg http://home.comcast.net/~john.andliz/leaf.jpg http://home.comcast.net/~john.andliz/scanleaf.jpg
I would've suggested Ammi majus right off but I couldn't remember the genus name Ammi. Your fragrance description reminded me of that one.
Okay, but the leaves of Ammi on this website (see this link for closeup) do not appear to be the same. http://davesgarden.com/pf/showimage/99105/#86125 Wait - I have found a Sweden-based website that has Linnean (drawings?) of the species. Much better. Yes, I agree - I think you folks are on the ball with this. Thank you very much. I will stake it as Ammi majus - Queen Anne's Lace. http://linnaeus.nrm.se/botany/fbo/a/bilder/ammi/ammimaj1.jpg