Just this weekend I stayed at the Sheraton Hotel in Tunica Mississippi. We seen a plant there that we are attempting to identify. They had it along their sidewalk. There were several of them right next to each other, to kind of form a hedge or border seperating the sidewalk from the grass. They were about 2 or 2 1/2 feet tall. The folage is somewhat dark green leaves, about 2 inches long and narrow. The flowers are described as follows.........a circular cluster about the size of a 1/2 dollar. My guess is that the cluster contained maybe 30 or 40 little bitty flowers. The colors of each cluster varied, but they all contained combinations of yellow, orange and red.......each cluster a little different from the other. And note, it is currently blooming Hopefully this is enough information that someone can throw me some flower names that I can lookup and hopefully find a picture