Identification help (not Scandinavian bush)

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by sebek, Jan 8, 2004.

  1. sebek

    sebek Member

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    I got really stuck on this. The site misidentified this plant and when contacted directly they seem to make a secret out of it. I wanted to purchase some for my hobby but I want to know what it is and that it is not a threatened species.
    Here is a link to the pictures:

    Thank for the help !
  2. hi from the pics at the site I would guess that it may be tumbleweed/ a form of sagebrush/ not endangered/in places it is reffered to as scandinavian bush,due to its herbal/medicinal properties. It is also the the most commonly used plant for scale models .
    Also be aware that if you do boil the plant do it out side or in awell ventilated area as the fumes/ oils are not not condusive to a long life
  3. Douglas Justice

    Douglas Justice Well-Known Member UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society 10 Years

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    Vancouver, Canada
    These "supertrees" are species of Cladina (or Cladonia) -- sometimes called reindeer moss or caribou lichen. See the following links:
    Berring Land Bridge Natural Preserve
    Laurentian Plant Center
    Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness

    See also this image from the UBC Botanical Garden photo forum:

    Finally, for a conservation perspective, the following is a link to the International Lichenological Newsletter and their conservation biology forum:
  4. This is a Sea Algae. Grows in Netherlands under the name of "Sea moss".
  5. supertree's

    i too am trying to find the name of this plant. i was and still am able to grow this plant, but with little sucsess. are there any pictures available on the internet of this particular plant and it's growing habits. this is a very tall plant, sometimes 2 foot high in some areas, as i have been told. my plants, grown from seeds, reached a foot or more high. i do not think this is a form of moss, but a small bush.

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