I have never paid this bush much attention but recently noticed a strong sweet perfume smell comming from my back yard near the fence. Investigation led me to this small tree and surprise - it has little white flowers on it. I would like to know what it is and other than smelling nice does it have any other uses?
It might be an osmanthus. I say this because I hate privets. I think they stink. Osmanthus tend to have flowers in leaf axils, while privets have flowers in panicles. Osmanthus smell like violets or freesias. Privets smell like perfume on a corpse.
Thanks It does smell strong but more like "extra strength" freesia than perfume on a corpse! I don't know what "leaf axils" or "flowers in panicles" mean . . . (remember newby & green are part of my online name!)
Leaf axils are where the leaves meet the main stem. Panicle would be the spikelike flower arrangement that your specimen shows. For more specific description of panicle relative to other inflorescence types just type "panicle" into a search engine.
bcass1947. Not at all sure that I understand you question. Are you asking which tree or shrub has the word Angel in it's nickname? There is a special old oak tree who has the nickname "Angel Oak".. is this what you meant? http://images.google.com/images?q=a...1I7SUNA_en-GB&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angel_Oak
Not at all. The plant in the picture, unfortunatly old age has my memory on the run, has the nickname with the word Angel in it. It's almost like a lilac bush. There is a house near where I used to live where you could smell such a beautiful aroma all the way down the street. I actually bought one and planted it but someone killed it before it started to flower. They have tiny white flowers with, I'm guessing 6 white little thin petals. I'm trying to get the name again because I would like to purchase a bigger bush this time to plant.
Apologies. I have found an Osmanthus fragrans Tiannusanhua mentioned on www which apparently translates as "Angel tossing flowers" But cannot find anymore about it than this... http://forums.gardenweb.com/forums/load/fragrant/msg0904191425927.html Or was it a lilac you remember. Praps Syringa vulgaris Angel white? http://images.google.com/images?q=s...1I7SUNA_en-GB&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi
No it's not them. The only answer I can give you is it is definately the flowering bush at the very top of this page. I need the name of that. Can you help? I have a small 1/4 pie of land in back of my condo. I wish to plant a bunch of different flowering plants but only one as this one with a very strong perfumy smell. Thanks in advance Bob C