Hi, I raised this honeysuckle from a cutting given to me last year. It is in a large pot. Can someone help identify which species it is? I am unable to make it flower and identifying the variety might help me on its growing conditions. I am in a subtropical semi arid climate. PS: In our mild winters, some of its leaves turned purple and it was evergreen. Regards, Khabbab
Climbing honeysuckles are very vigorous strong growing plants. They are not normally happy living in a pot. I suggest you plant it in the ground in good fertile soil...keep it well watered. Then when you get flowers it may be possible to give you an id. The most common climbing honeysuckle is Lonicera periclymenum..there are several different named varieties. Normally this is deciduous but as you have mild winters maybe it retains the leaves. But it could equally be a different Lonicera sp. Lonicera periclymenum - Google Search
Thank you, well i also planted one of its cutting in the ground last week, so keeping fingers crossed. I assume it would flower on old wood in late summer? BTW, mine is not a natural twiner, i have to train it a lot.