Can someone please ID this plant? I've had it for about 3 years. It is just over 3ft tall. I'm wondering how to take best care of it and if it will grow outdoors during the summer months? It is in an 8" pot and some roots are just showing through the bottom. Should I transplant it into a 10" pot now? Thank you everyone!
Yes, you can transplant it to a bigger pot now, it's been long enough. If it were me, I'd repot it, then wait a week or two, then do some major trimming. Cut the little branches towards the bottom off flush with the trunk up to a height you desire to give it a tree like appearance. You can also cut it all the way down to it's lateral branches, to stimulate bushier and fuller growth.
saltcedar ~ Thank you for ID'ing my plant. Laticauda ~ Thank you for the tips. Okay, I will repot it now and in a couple of weeks I'll trim the branches off flush to the trunk. You said, "cut it all the way down to it's lateral branches" I'm not sure what that means, do you mean to cut the top off? What are lateral branches? Thanks again for helping me.
Well, the bottom branches I would cut off the trunk (flush against the trunk), to train it into a tree as opposed to a shurb-form. You could top off the top of the trunk, and this will cause it to stop growing up and then get thicker (which is what you want, since it seems to need upright support.) This will also encourage the trunk to develop more branches. The lateral branches are the ones that grow directly from the trunk. All of the little branches coming off of those, you can trim off. Also, give it a lot more sun (if it's not already outside, then it needs to be.) You can also shorten the lateral branches a bit, by cutting it right after a leaf node towards the end of the branch. This will also cause the lateral branches to thicken up as well to give you a more substantial tree. If you have any other questions, feel free to pm me. I hope I have given you adequate instructions.
Laticauda ~ Wow, this is awesome help you've given me. Thank you soooo much. I was beginning to not like the plant as it just didn't have any pzazz. Now I understand what to do. Should I just transplant it into regular potting soil? and what fertilizer should I use. I have NEVER fertilized it. I wasn't sure what to give it. Once I get this done, can I show you how it looks in a couple of weeks? Thanks again for all your help.
Sure, I'm always eager to see plant pics. I love these Ficus, but don't have one myself. One of my good friends had one she picked up from an abandoned pile of plants from a business office. She has had it for ten years and never repotted it! We didn't have a larger pot, so I trimmed the root ball (not necessary if you go up a pot size.) Try to get as much old dirt out of the root ball as possible, you can use a hose to do this. Then replace it with regular potting soil. I use 8-7-6 fertilizer (a weak formula, just regular all purpose Miracle Grow liquid fertilizer.) Dilute it to half strength, and wait 3-4 weeks after repotting before you fertilize, to prevent burning the damaged roots.
Actually, you may not even have to go up a pot size, if you can get enough dirt out of the root ball!
Perfect!! I couldn't have asked for better help. I'll show what it looks like in a couple of weeks. Happy Gardening!