Hi kids. I have these growing but don't know what they are. Anyone willing to help me out? One is about 3 feet tall will yellow flowers on top. I've since seen it growing in ditches so I think it's a common weed. The next is a nasty thing that spreads like nothing else and will root and grow from the smallest piece of pinkish root. I puts up a spike about 1.5 feet tall covered in little white flowers. An orange flower. The last one starts as fuzzy leafs like a Dusty Miller, but then shoots up to about 6 feet high. The last couple feet are covered in buds that looked (when I last saw them) to be opening into yellow flowers.
1. An evening primrose, Oenothera sp., possibly O. biennis. 3. Calendula officinalis 4. Verbascum sp., possibly V. thapsus.