I think the purple ones are salal? Not sure what the orange ones or the white ones are. Going blind trying to match them on Google. Help please. Thanks
The salal-named photos do look like Gaultheria shallon, salal. The white berries look like Cornus, a dogwood, from the leaves. I would never guess which without seeing the tree or shrub, and even then, someone else would probably have to do a better ID. The orange look like a Sorbus, common names mountain ash or rowan. It's probably Sorbus aucuparia.
Terrific. Thanks for all the ID help. It appears I've stumbled upon a Superfood- Rowan berries contain anthocyanins, tannins, polyphenolic compounds, and flavonols, including various types of quercetin and rutin. Had no idea these are edible!
Edible, but not very palatable! You can use them (with shedloads of sugar added!!) to make rowan jelly, which is a delicious traditional accompaniment (similar to cranberry sauce) to the christmas goose and other festive meat dishes in Scandinavia. But uncooked, they're revolting - very bitter and astringent.