Hello everyone! This is my first post here. I am hoping one of you botanical gurus can help me out with my question. My boyfriend has this gorgeous flowering vine draped over the fence in his backyard. I really want to snag it and start one in my yard. But the roots are in the neighbors yard, all we have are the gorgeous vines and flowers. Does anyone have any idea if I can pluck off a strand and make it grow? I have a picture of the vine here: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_vxRm2fVdkg4/SoKt_TwBSuI/AAAAAAAAAt4/vRsWRZoc58o/s400/CalicoFlower3.jpg Thanks for any advice!!
Aristolochia gigantea I believe. http://www.google.com/search?pq=ari...urce=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=Gj03T_KFFcqU2AW-7biRAg
Yes they grow nicely from cuttings and flower at a young age. I had a 12" flower in a 4" pot on my windowsill, about a year after making the cutting. They need high humidity and bright light (but shade from direct sun) to get them going. I use a humidity dome (clear inflated bag or an inverted pop bottle). Try starting several strands at once to ensure success. Use at least a few nodes, making a razor cut just below a node at the bottom. Remove all flowers on your new cutting and perhaps trim the leaves back by half. A little rooting hormone and you should have good success.