I have no idea!

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by showgirls1980, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. showgirls1980

    showgirls1980 New Member

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    Dronfield Woodhouse
    Hi everyone,

    I was wondering if anyone can tell me what type of tree this is? And whether it is rescuable?

    We had really strong winds a few months back, and after 3 years of standing strong throughout even the strongest of winds...it eventually blew over. Since then we have been struggling to keep it up. It has blown over a number of times as obviously, the roots need time to settle again. Now, this is the best thing we have done to keep it upright.

    We tried all sorts to keep it upright, but nothing has worked on keeping it in place other than what you see, albeit unattractive, it does the job!
    it has been in place for 10 weeks now :) But something tells me it's beyond repair :( most of the leaves are dead but I do see some green coming from the centre top, so don't know whether it's dead or alive...

    This tree was absolutely beautiful a few months ago, I just don't want to part with it if I can help it. Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.

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  2. showgirls1980

    showgirls1980 New Member

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    Dronfield Woodhouse
    Re: Can I save this?? Pls help...

    Hi everyone,

    I have carried out a bit of research and believe that this 'could be' a Cordyline Australias.
    Some say that if I cut the trunk down to ground level then I may have a chance of new shoots sprouting :)

    Can anyone confirm this or give me any advice please? I am not the gardening type so have no idea what I am doing with this or whether I am just wasting my time.

    There has been many views on the thread but no replies as of yet :(
  3. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Not here
    You are correct. These are very frequently planted in my area, yet not able to tolerate all winters here. Tops grow for a time and then freeze off, often to start over again from the root crown.

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