I recently moved into a place that has several garden plots with plenty of different things growing, and I am having trouble with identifying things, but this one plant in particular has be completely dumbfounded. I'm new so hopefully I don't mess up attaching the pictures. For reference, the plant is about 6" tall, at most. Has a very strong almost lemony scent to it.
Possibly Golden Marjoram (Origanum vulgare 'Aureum' [ http://www.botanicalstockphotos.com/img19124.htm ]) gone wild and somewhat pale. Try crushing some foliage; if it's marjoram it should be quite pungent.
Thanks! That is exactly what it looked like a few weeks ago. The weather has been crazy here, freezing overnight and then up to 80 degrees during the day. Most of my plants have suffered from it. Ever since finding it I've been pulling some leaves off, crushing them, and smelling them and it is indeed pungent, but not unpleasant. Thanks again for solving this mystery for me!