My neighbour sent me to see this plant at a co-op residence a few blocks away. Is it Hibiscus moscheutos, Rose Mallow? Maybe the cultivar Carousel®? I didn't measure the flowers - maybe they are almost the diameter of my handspan.
Thanks, Acerholic. I like the flower shape, but the centre colour seems a little dark for a match It's available around here, though, so would do well enough for someone who wants something similar. I see that Carousel® is a series anyway. I don't really understand what is considered Rose Mallow. What about the ones shown on this page? Hidden Valley Hibiscus - Hibiscus 'Sculpted' Or what about what comes up when I query Hawaiian large hibiscus? Are these all Rose Mallows? hawaiian large hibiscus - Bing images
Agree tbe common name is Common Rose Mallo, RHS link attached. Hibiscus moscheutos | common rose mallow/RHS Gardening I see what you mean about which cultivar comes under that heading though, looking at your links. But I would say looking at the RHS, the answer is yes. I was thinking about the Berry Awesome as the cultivar in your photos.