Can You Identify It? It is a a green leafy tall tropical plant (5m+) with bitter leaves that when chewed are claimed to have universal health benefits from curing cancer, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol, treating diabetes and lots more. You may email me directly for full photos: with the subject, Herbal Plant. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Dr Hugo
Thank you for your replies. Sorry, I am new to this site and didn't see the attachment button below. Here are a few photos of the plants growing in my tropical garden on Langkawi Island Malaysia. In the photos of single leaves, they are about 9" long. Hope this helps you identify it. God bless you. Dr Hugo
Hello Lorax, Of all the plants of it that I have in the garden and seen elsewhere, I only have one with small white flower buds at the top but for a long time don't seem to have bloomed. Perhaps this is the female?? The photo (slightly unclear) is of the white flower buds. I will try and make another and post it up and keep watch to see if the flowers develop. Locally, this plant is known as the "South African herbal leaf plant." Thank you for your interest and I hope you can find some identification info for it in due course. Cheers! Dr Hugo
Cassine papillosa, Pittosporum viridiflorum, and Rapanea melanophloeos are all possible matches.... I'd lean towards Pittosporum, myself. Do you have the Malay name for it as well?
Hi Lorax, Thank you for your reply. I have not been able to find a Malay on the island who knows its name but I will keep on trying. The Chinese seem to be more familiar with it calling it as mentioned above. I'll look into the names you have given in the meantime. Please let me know if you find any other info on it. Cheers! Dr Hugo
Hi Lorax, Sorry, it does not appear that it is any of the following: Cassine papillosa, Pittosporum viridiflorum, or Rapanea melanophloeos as you suggested as the tree and leaves are so different from the above which I have checked details and photos of. Let's keep searching! Cheers! Dr Hugo
Here are some local names of the plant: The Chinese names are, in Cantonese, "Por See Yip" ("Persian Leaves"), and in Mandarin, "Lam Fei Yip" (South African Leaves".) Attached is a photo of the tiny flowers now coming out. Can anyone help with identifying the scientific name for this plant with miraculous healing qualities?? Cheers! Dr Hugo
The other option might be Warburgia salutaris (which doesn't seem quite right, since the leaves of your plant aren't glossy), or you could check out the list of medicinal plant monographs at
No, it's not a paperbark tree! One other Chinese name for it is: "Hark Meen Jeong Kuan." Chinese Feng Shui masters are familiar with it but nobody else seems to know about it and its incredible healing and antioxidant properties. Tea is also made from it as well as chewing the fresh leaves. Yes, however there are structural similarities in the blossoms.
The local Malay name for the plant is, "Sambung Nyawa" which translates as "Life Connection" probably referring to its "longevity" health benefits. Let's know if anyone can find any more info on this wonderful plant that seems only to be known in Malaysia and Singapore. Cheers! Dr Hugo
drhugo, i don't think it is "sambung nyawa", i have some plants of sambung nyawa and it don't look the seem as your plant. i'll post some pics of it for you next couple days (i haven't taken any photo of it yet)..
Thank you Lorax. Kasman, at this stage it seems that it really is Gynura Procumbens which is "Sambung Nyawa" as it grows here in Malaysia. Perhaps there is a slightly different variety in Indonesia, or the name there refers to a different plant altogether. What do you think Lorax? Aren't they one and the same! Cheers! Dr Hugo
I agree ~ there are so many websites dealing with the plant and use the two names synomously. At least now, we know what we are chewing! And we can refer to the various laboratory analyses etc that have isolated the active phytochemiclas responsible for the health benefits. Thanks again Lorax and Cheers!
drhugo, attached here some pics of my "Sambung Nyawa".... sambung nyawa's succulant stem looks rather red-browish and the height of this plant only can reached about 0.5 meters, the foliage are very fragile and have good smell...
Terima kasih Kasman. Mungkin ada banyak macam jenis "Sambung Jawa." Maybe there are many varieties, or at least two. The leaves look similar. Bentuk daun hampir sama. But ours grow to 5 or 6 metres easily ~ jauh lebih tinnggi! Do you classify your SJ as Gynura procumbens also? Sampai jumpa lagi! Dr Hugo PS: Let me know if anyone is interested in setting up a trade in dried GP leaves as special "health tea" with its proven nutritional, diseaes defeating, antioxidant and healing benefits. We have many growing in our garden and around the island which we can harvest, sun-dry and export if anyone wishes?? Cheers!