I want to post this image on my website, and a few other places to share it, but I'd like to be able to say what the plant is. It is located in a public area, probably planted by Park & Rec. dept, so probably pretty common. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
Like I always say I am no expert but always like to give my thoughts - Rosa rugosa. Wait for others...
Does this help? Still has snow, but shows the whole patch. I'll have to go back to take a snowless picture at a later date. And of course, it's still winter here, so the foliage will be rotten and hanging.
Looks like a snowball on a stick :} Definite rosehips showing, a very spiny rose. I am not good enough to even guess at species. But I do like the photo (maybe because we've had +70% humidity with +30C (+86F)temps for the last week).
J. Mc A.: If, as you speculate, these plants were placed by Seattle Parks & Rec---perhaps the folks there could give you information. I am curious. Why do these plants interest you? I surmise that you have not seen them in bloom, or there would be no question about their rose-ness. So, I conclude that you are intrigued by their winter appearance. Are you a photographer, perchance? I like the second photo of the group of plants standing together with caps of snow. The roses' red hips are an accent to the snow's chill, and hint at new life to come.---Two-bit art analysis aside: just wondering. You could simply wait till spring and see what develops!
Yes, I'm a photographer, and wanted to seem more knowledgeable than I really am by captioning the image with an identification, either common or latin. I looked online for sites that might have photos of the various plants with berries, not even thinking rose hips, but found nothing in the first three Google pages, except this site, which is close enough to Seattle to have similar flora. So this is not anything critical or time related, just a curiosity. I moved earlier this year, and my set of Aud God forbid a photographer would knock that pretty snow helmet off and spoil the scene for any other photographer to come along. :-)
Nice shot I agree. I am envious but then I've been in the snow and every time I think about how cold it was I am happy just to look at pictures :}
I understand!---and commend your generous attitude towards fellow artists. Also commend your desire for accurate captioning. If Michael F says Rosa rugosa, that's good enough for me! A veritable encyclopedia of plant knowledge, he is. Keep up the good work, and snowshoes at the ready. Happy New Year to you!
I belong to a Pentax mailing list, and we've all received many photos of the beaches and bikinis and beer for the holidays from our friends down under. They'll all get their's in about six months! :-)
Thank you all for your responses. Rosa rugosa is what I'll go with. If any botanists check out my web-site or photo gallery and disagree, I'll get back to you. Thanks again... Joe