A while ago I bought a packet of "herb" seeds which I planted in a pot. All that grew were one thyme and a much smaller version of the plant shown. It grew quite well in the pot but attracted large numbers of small voracious caterpillars on its leaves so I decided to get rid of it. A friend took it, divided and planted it in the garden, and now has two bushes, one 2'6" and the other 3' in height, both of which as you can see are looking very healthy and caterpillar free! We have no idea what they might be, or how much room they will require, so any help would be very much appreciated. All I know is that it doesn't look like any herb I know of!
Hello Ron B! Thanks for the suggestion - my only comment would be that when in my care the plant never produced any flowers or berries. However, now it is obviously happier planted in a garden, we shall see!