Help: Unknown invader of my vegetable patch

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by Lasairfion, Sep 9, 2006.

  1. Lasairfion

    Lasairfion Member

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    Peaks, UK
    This llittle rebel is spreading like wildfire through my lettuces and yarrows. Does anyone have an idea of what it is? (and perhaps how to get rid of it). At the moment I just keep pulling them up, but they seem to come from nowhere and get everywhere.

    Ignore the white 'spots' you see on the picture, that's just the see through plastic it's sitting on so I don't get my scanner all dirty...

    Thanks for any help . :)

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  2. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    Tough call without any flowers. My guess would be ragwort (Senecio) seedlings.

    Best just to continue pulling them by hand - any herbicide used would also risk killing the lettuces.
  3. Lasairfion

    Lasairfion Member

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    Peaks, UK
    Hmm. I've pulled up a lot of Ragwort and it doesn't seem to be the thing. But then I only see them when they're tall and big with the yellow flowers...

    I've got a picture of a bigger one of whatever this is... they seem to get quite large... This is sitting on an flatbed scanner so it's about A4/Legal size. it's wilted a little as I pulled it out yesterday.

    We thought it might be Shepherds Purse, but the leaves are different, and the root is not a branched taproot like on pictures from Google Images. No flowers as yet, but then I don't want to let them grow. Heh

    Thanks for having a guess, I'll just keep pulling them up.

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