I have some trees up at my property in No. Calif. that I have been transplanting to my home for some added shade. THese trees are fast growing, ther grow to full height of 25-30 ft. in five years. In the fall they drop all there leaves and small branches. In early spring they sprout new leaves and grow in really fast. Up at my property they grow wild and dont get and water from May through November but do well anyway. At my home I water them weekly and they are looking really healthy. Can somebody please help me identify these trees? Gregg E
This is the "moderate invasive" Ailanthus altissima, or tree-of-heaven. Once established, nearly impossible to eradicate. See the California Invasive Plant Council's assessment. USDA PLANTS database entry for Ailanthus altissima
YES, thats the one... Thanks so much. I have transplanted these when they were about 1 foot tall be taking up the entire root. Thanks again for your help Gregg