5. and 8. Look like Dahlia "Bishop of LLandaff". See.... http://images.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&q=Dahlia Bishop of LLandaff&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi
1 Iresine herbstii Cv. 2,3 Variegated Abutilon I believe. 6 Washingtonia Sp. 9 Phoenix Sp. 10 Persian shield (Strobilanthes dyerianus ) I believe. 12 Begonia HTH CHris
2. and 3. Abutilon. To give a closer id you will need to know more about the plant, e.g. colour of the flowers. Praps you could revisit, and also have a look here. See.... http://www.malvaceae.info/Genera/Abutilon/galleryH.html
The first dahlia is too orange for 'Bishop of Llandaff'. Not sure the second one is that variety either. Not certain one shown is the same but a prominent abutilon with maple like leaves boldly variegated white is 'Souvenir de Bon'. http://www.canyoncreeknursery.com/abutilons.html The begonia reminds me of B. grandis but there are many species of begonias.
This looks more like your abutilon here. I've heard of it before but it is not as familiar as the 'Souvenir'. http://www.kartuz.com/pc/50034/7RFPA/Abutilon+Savitzii.html Luddite's link has 6 photos of the same variety.
Ron, I can see what you mean about the colour of the Dahlia in pic 5. I assumed it was a trick of the light/camera, and noor had 2 pics of the same Dahlia. However, I thought this one definitely looked right for Bishop of LLandaff. In the U.K. all public parks just love to plant Bishop of LLandaff, with the red flowers and dark foliage. Could of course be wrong!