hello, not far from my home there are a few small trees or large shrubs growing this fruit, it looks like a strawberry or cherry, the flesh of the fruit is yellow and tastes quite nice actually a bit like passion fruit, the seeds are a little smaller than lemon pips and are encased in a slippery substance rather like the seeds of tomatos. the leaves as you can see are very pointy but not serrated, so i rule out the strawberry tree. the surface of the fruit is soft. it is autumn here and there remain fruits on the trees, though the leaves are beginning to turn. has anyone an idea what these trees are ? i use the fruit in my gin and tonics as a decoration until you can identify it for me... much appreciated. crusty.
that is certainly it well done, i have just searched using your answer and found this: http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/consumer/fourh/images/Cornus7.htm the picture is identical. i can sleep at last ! and as i now see that the fruits are edible i can continue to use them to garnish my g&t's. thank you very much indeed. crusty