I have been trying to remove/reduce this plant from my garden as it seems to be taking over everything. It has a white reddish root (I am thinking it's a rhizome) because every piece that breaks will create a new flower in the spring. I have attached a photo. The plant is about 80 cm tall. Thank you!
I think it's Lysimachia vulgaris, garden loosestrife or yellow loosestrife. It's classified as a noxious weed in King County, WA (Garden loosestrife - King County), but doesn't seem to be listed as such here. The King County page says it spreads by creeping rhizomes.
Definitely Lysimachia. Possibly Lysimachia punctata? Lysimachia punctata - Google Search Lysimachia punctata leaf - Google Search: Compare to Lysimachia vulgaris..... Lysimachia vulgaris, Yellow Loosestrife: identification, distribution, habitat
I like that ID better. It doesn't seem to have as bad a reputation either, though I'm not sure why not, according to the description posted in the query.
Thank you. After looking at the links provided I confirm that it is lysimachia punctata, and quite invasive. How do you suggest limiting its propagation ? Digging it out just makes it worse. Thank you again. Yellow Loosestrife