Hello! We had 2 matching trees in our front yard until Christmas Eve when a rowdy neighbor plowed over one of them with his truck! Now we need to replace the one he ran over and cannot seem to identify it. Everyone seems to give us a different answer. Thank you for any help you can give me! We live in North Carolina, just North of Charlotte if knowing our "region" will help. Thanks! See two photos of the tree and its bloom (attached) Jennifer
Tree Looks like a Kwanzan Cherry. Get the truck out and finish the job and replace them with Japanese Maples and/or Ginkgoes. lol
Hi Jennifer: Your tree is a Kwanzan flowering cherry - Prunus serrulata 'Kwanzan'. You should not have a lot of trouble finding a replacement for the tree you lost. Jim
A good replacement would encompass both trees. I recommend an Okami Cherry or even a Yoshino over a Kwanzan.
Okami and Yoshino Longer lived and more pest and disease resistant than Kwanzan. At least in my part of the South, North Alabama. This is a generalization as I have seen some pretty fine Kwanzan Cherry trees but overall the others usually fare better. I recommend that you invest in better trees like Japanese and other oriental Maples and Ginkgo biloba. Elmore
Even though this was not addressed to me, how about an Akebono, Mt. Fuji (Shirotae) or a Shirofugen? I planted all 4 including a Kwanzan in that order (Akebono, Mt. Fuji, Shirofugen, Kwanzan) next to each for a landscape job several years ago. Jim
Thank you! Thanks for everyone's help in identifying my tree and for the other great ideas! I will take all into consideration before replanting. Jennifer