I've got three plants I can't identify. I've looked through several books. Can you help? Images are attached below. Plant #1: This first one I'm guessing is either a Bromeliad or a non-veriegated Sanservia. However, on the latter the leaves are a lot less stiff than my other Sanservias, and they don't seem to grow very tall. If it's a Bromeliad, it's never flowered since I've had it, although I know they can take 3 years to flower (I don't know how long I've had it or how old it was when I got it). Plant #2: I'm guessing this second one is a really old Dracaena. Maybe a 'Janet Craig'? I got this plant when it was nearly this tall several years ago from a friend of a friend. Plant #3: I have no idea on this last one. Any ideas what this is? I've looked through several books and haven't seen anything like it. Thanks!!