This wild vine seems to be attacking my oleaner & alamandas. It is covering them & I have no idea how to kill it. It seems to root near the base of the plants & grows like wildfire. I'd appreciate your help.
It is Momordica charantia. I found a picture that looks just like it. Thanks for your input. Unfortunately it seems to be very difficult to kill. If anyone has advise for getting rid of it, please post.
it is difficult to keep under control you have to get to the main root and pull it up but try to get it before the red seeds have a chance to get dropped and it can grow very fast it is rfelated to the cucumber but not sure which species it is what they call bitter melon looks different not sure if this vine has any edible parts or not i would not try it. not sure if bitter melon is as invasive as this vine seems to be. i donot grow cucumbers or would be worried if they would cross with this vine that is if i saved seeds to grow for the next year. (Momordica balsamina) looks more like the species to me
This is a bitter melon or Mormodica charantia. We consider this vegetable and is good cure for high blood pressure and diabetes. We eat the leaves and fruit and cook this with beef slices. This is very easy to control, just pull the main stem. Sometimes we just let it die and it wont grow again.