Within the past month these 4 beautiful seedlings have been growing out of some extra potting soil that I mixed with some of my own balcony compost here in Vancouver, BC. I'm completely baffled at what they are. They don't resemble anything I would have put in the compost (onion scraps, garlic, carrots, peppers, zucchini scraps, chilis, lettuce) and I don't recognize them. After their initial first round leaves, they grow two 3-leaf clusters. Next, they grow two 5-leaf clusters. Their leaves are soft to the touch and when you rub them, they give off a nutty, almost hazelnut smell. I'm not sure if that's the actual smell of the plant, or because of leftover tea leaves/coffee grinds in the compost. Does this look familiar to anyone?
Probably blown in or bird dropped in/on your compost or soil: these are growing at different points around Vancouver.
Thanks you two. Sure enough, upon looking at a photo of the adult tree, I recognize it from the grove of trees nearby. That one, mysterious tree I never knew the name of. Wouldn't have connected the two together until those seedlings grew much larger. Thanks!