A student brought this flower to me and I can't identify it. Honestly...I didn't take botany to be able to teach 7th graders...sad but true. HELP?
Hello teacher in Houston I do belive you have Feijoa here is a link to compare http://jardin-mundani.info/myrtaceae/feijoa-flors.jpg http://www.crfg.org/pubs/ff/feijoa.html latin name is feijoa sellowiana you can do a google search for the plant now. No you didn't take botany to teach 7th graders everyone has to ask at some stage so don't feel bad!!! I didn't take botany at grad school to work in retail!! Mold those inquisitive little brains into plant lovers!! hope this helps
retail? pshaw. I agree with Feijoa (although I am not certain of the current name or classification of the plant it seems to be in transition) by the foliage, I have one in a pot on my patio. havent seen blooms yet though, after 2 years.
oh, FWIW my plant is labelled as Feijoa sellowiana 'small'. AKA dwarf pineapple guava. cant find any resource that defines the 'small' part of thename though, it might be a growers fantasy for all I know