Would appreciate any help ID'ing a few flowers from Hawaii. I have a lot named from 2 visits but have these that require a little help. HAWAII FLOWERS. Thanks
Hi, I believe the the first one might be a Delonix, but not sure, "C" is an Achmea fasciata (bromeliad), B,D,F,G,H,Q+R are orchids, but which ones? "I" & J are also bromeliads, and the rest look familiar, but can't come up with the names. You might have luck with the orchids at www.gardenweb.com/forums/orchids as the people on that site (that has a great gallery) really know their stuff, the site also has a bromeliad forum.
E and G are C both Clerodendron thompsonae, C, F, I, J, and O are all bromeliads, P is an Anthurium, L and possibly T are Jasminium, D, H, Q, and R are Orchids. Joe
Some more possibilities for your Hawaiian flowers- A Alpinia purpurea C ornamental pineapple, Ananas bracteata maybe. H Galphimia gracilis or something in the same family, Malpighiaceae K Antigonon leptopus L Gardenia taitensis M looks like an Azalea Q Couroupita guianensis R koa haole, Leucaena leucocephala T perhaps Mandevilla?
I'd agree with T as being a mandevilla. Though technically I would like to argue that it's a dipladenia, as I know mandevilla as the vine and dipladenia as more of a bush plant. But apparently they're both in the same group anyways!
Thank you all for the help in ID'ing these flowers. I'll keep adding the names to the site, thanks again.