I can't answer this, but I'll ask anyway: What's the diameter of the leaves? And nothing particularly prickly on the plant?
Looking on www there see to be 27 sp of Gunnera found in Colombia. See link for quote below... "Gunnera Two of twenty seven native Colombian species of the genus Gunnera. " https://www.latin-wife.com/blog/colombia/gunnera/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunnera_magnifica Kew lists many sp. https://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:19527-1
That website is a riot, such good photos collected on a site that is not at all botanical. I even included it on the Outdoor Tropicals Resources | UBC Botanical Garden Forums page, under Ornamentals of Colombia. First two photos at the link given look like a good match, but no species name is given. The Wikipedia description seems really good, but there are no photos. The last sentence seems like a possible hint "The bud scales covering the terminal bud are up to 39 cm (15 in) in length by up to 7.5 cm (three inches) wide, the largest of any known plant". Also the bit about "the largest leaf bud of any known plant". There are a lot of dimensions given in that article. The photo shown here does not seem to be anywhere near that size; maybe it's a young seedling? @Pitter, have you missed seeing a huge grouping of older plants nearby?