This plant is in a yard next to a ravine in south Burnaby. There are lots of native plants and trees about, but also some invasives such as Spurge Laurel, English Ivy and Yellow Lamium. I've searched through lots of pictures of plants native to the Lower Mainland and I think this is Hooker's Fairybells but I'm not sure. My wife and I are trying to add lots of native plants to our yard and she is especially asking for more ground cover. She tried to buy some Hooker's Fairybells in the spring, but the nursery was out of stock at that time. If this is Hooker's Fairybells, or any native ground cover for that matter, she wants me to get one or two plants from this yard. I just want to be sure this is a native plant first. In the first picture the berries are dark red, and a few feet away all the berries are really orange. I'm not sure if they are slightly different varieties, or if it's just due to the exposure to the sun. Thanks for your help.