These began appearing in my yard after I seeded a California native wildflower mix, but I'm familiar with all of the listed species in the mix and it's not any of those. I have searched for days looking at hundreds or thousands of pictures, but I can't find anything that looks like this at all. The plant in the picture is about 9 inches tall, but since they have only been growing for a month or so I don't believe it is the full height. You can see a California poppy in the background and a young poppy to the lower right. In the upper left background you see two more of the mystery plant. The leaves are an inch or slightly wider. The main stem is very thick in relation to the plant's height and it's very fleshy sort of like a succulent. If this is a weed I need to start killing them before they flower. Any assistance is appreciated.
Oh Jeez, now I feel dumb :) Those aren't on the list of included flowers and somehow it never occurred to me. Clarkia unguiculata they are.