Greek Island plant id mystery

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by khpoole, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. khpoole

    khpoole Member

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    Santa Fe, NM USA
    I was recently in the Greek Isles for a month. On the island of Naxos, near Zeus' cave, we came across a very large, deep red violet "calla lily" sort of looking plant (the leaf does not wrap around the stamen, just extends straight out below it and the stamen is the exaggerated part of the flower). There were many growing in a deep shaded area (appeared to be wild plants). They were about 2 - 4 feet tall, large broad leaves and the flower had one large (mature, probably about 12" - 16" long and about 10" wide), deep purple leaf with a similarly long, deep violet, shiny stamen (about 2" in diameter). The seed pods resemble corn - about 4" long, 2" in diameter, many green seeds around the cob and the dried petal wrapped around them. They appear to turn yellow when dried and drop off the cob. The seed pods form just below the violet leaf and show up as a small bulge under the leaf when immature. We also saw much smaller versions growing along the path to the cave - they were growing in full sunlight in very poor, rocky soil, but as said, were much smaller than those in the shaded area. We unfortunately were unable to photograph them, but are curious if anyone has any idea what they might be and whether one can purchase seeds for such plants in the US - they are stunning! I've looked online and can't find anything even close to it. Thanks for any info!
  2. Silver surfer

    Silver surfer Generous Contributor 10 Years

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  3. khpoole

    khpoole Member

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    Santa Fe, NM USA
    Bravo! Brilliant - that's it, exactly! Thank you so much for your help, the info sites, and your quick reply. My mystery of the day, solved - Thank you! Thanks also to the creators of this site - how cool is it that I can get help from someone across the world from me? Hats off to you all!

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