Grape vine that I grew from seed

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by Thatguy, Feb 2, 2016.

  1. Thatguy

    Thatguy New Member

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    West Indies
    Hi everyone, I'm new here . I found this forum while searching for some answers about a grape vine that I recently grew [about 2 months since it germinated] from seeds.
    I'm from the West Indies and I've heard of a few people that grew grape vines down here that actually produced grapes so I thought it would be an interesting project to try myself.
    I looked for a "how to" online and followed the instructions.
    I had some leftover grapes that were going bad in the fridge and I took out
    the seeds and stratified them about a little over two months in the fridge then planted four of them in some cups as a trial, watered them daily and six weeks later when I had more or less given up on the idea of them growing, two of them started to grow.
    Its been about two and a half months since they started growing. I transplanted them into a container I had laying around with plans to transplant them outside in the yard after they grew a bit bigger .
    To my surprise I saw yellow flowers growing on them last week.
    Now I've read online that when you plant grape from seeds you most likely may get something different from the berry that you originally planted.
    So I took a few photos and was wondering if anyone has seen any vine like this one. I looked online at photos but they all looked different and I didn't see anything resembling flowers like the ones on my vine in any of the online photos.
    I'm not really expecting it to produce anything though it would be nice if it did, just curious as to what I actually have here.
    lefo_over_gs.jpg g1.JPG g2.JPG
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2016
  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    That's some type of squash from a seed that was already in the soil.
  3. Thatguy

    Thatguy New Member

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    West Indies
    Thanks for your reply. Like I said I haven't seen anything like it when I looked up images of grape vines on the net, nor have I seen flowers like those on any of the flowering grape vines photos that I googled as far as I'm aware there weren't any seeds like that {squash} in the dirt when I planted it as it was planted in a little cup that I filled with dirt and most likely I would have noticed the squash seeds, additionally two seeds were planted in that cup and two of the same vines grew. Coincidence? maybe.
    So I guess its a mystery plant for now. Anyway it still makes a good decorative vine.
  4. Rsisvixen

    Rsisvixen New Member

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    Maple Ridge/BC
    Definitely not a grape vine, my best guess is citrullus colocynthis, seeds are small and black and you probably wouldn't have noticed them in the dirt.
  5. Thatguy

    Thatguy New Member

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    West Indies
    Hey thanks, I looked up the name that you mentioned and I'm pretty certain that's it. Its a good thing I didn't go around boasting about the grape vines that I grew lol.
  6. thanrose

    thanrose Active Member 10 Years

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    Jacksonville, FL USA USDA Zone 9
    I don't wish to discourage you about growing grapes, but in tropical areas of the Americas, you will get hit by Pierce's Disease after a few years, just about the time the grapes start to produce. Very disheartening. Try growing muscadine grapes, rather than the table grapes. In Florida, we have to grow muscadines or muscadine crosses. You might try looking up ECHO, the research facility in southwest Florida that promotes food plants for all over the subtropical and tropical world. For instance, they even recommend a few apples for people in hot areas.

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