Here are some members of the Fabaceae, and one that isn't, for closer ID please. They were growing on an exquisitly hot (38 degrees) and windy (20-50 kph) high altitude mesa at 2640 meters (yay GPS!) near the Alta Xeriflora Bosque Protector Nueva Jerusalen (town of Malchingui.) Nothing in the grouping is more than about 6 cm tall (the red peas.) Thanks all!
I've never seen any of these. If there are books or web sites talking about the wild plants of the region, that's where you may find one of them.
Yeaaahhhhh..... apart from the Aroids, Orchids, and the big timber trees, plants are not well studied down here. I'll keep pootling about and hopefully I'll turn something up.
When I Google flora ecuador I get hits, including this big long list of species in Wikipedia. If you are familiar with pea family genera or can get a list of that elsewhere first, maybe you can actually find some in the Wikipedia list that are relevant.
We're doing very well with the thread titles, people, thank you! If there is a book that would help you perhaps you would find it here: Also, that's a darn pretty picture of that red pea, the third one. Would make lovely computer wallpaper if we were not currently using this one that my daughter took.
And on some researching I can actually get single volumes by family from the Universidad Catolica... I may just do that.