Is this Galtonia? End of March in California. I read that flowers of Galtonia are pale green, these are for sure white Second image is Galtonia from UBC Botanical garden(for comparison)
Alliums! Maybe Allium triquetrum. Need to see close up of flowers.
So the thinner leaves in Nadia's second image, from UBCBG, belong to something else, is that right? It's more clear in the google images that the Galtonia flowers are arranged up the stem, not all from a single point.
I agree with Allium triquetrum. If you still have access to the plant and can crush some of the foliage the scent will confirm the ID right away.
I have one more picture. I cannot check this plant:( It is too far from Vancouver Actually I feel quite happy with Allium, thank you very much