Again question about a tree in Tokyo. Again, I saw in one place. Pictures taken on May 22, 2009. There are fruits, I didn't see flowers, I didn't check what was inside the fruit. This means I know nothing. It doesn't help much? Just I still have few rare pictures, I keep them just in case.
Maybe a goumi (elaeagnus)? Perhaps multiflora? Just a ballpark guess, based on leaf, fruit and form, and the fact that goumi is widely planted in Japan....if the middle pic was clearer, for a good look at the berry, would know for sure (small silver dots on elaeagnus berries a good give-away).
It can be. Not so many fruits as in "When ripe in mid- to late summer, " I missed this time of year so cannot say that it is common or not.
There are a few varieties cultivated for their edible fruit, and the birds here seem to love them--imagine it's not so different in Japan. Perhaps the one in the picture has been picked over by both.
I think they are not ripe yet in May, I read that time is middle-end summer, birds didn't have time to eat. But I want to think that I have answer. Just my nature likes to have an argument:)