Can anyone help me identify a fruit? When I visited North Cyprus last year I was given some small yellow fruit to eat. they were about the size of a large plum and the skin was thin and edible. Inside each fruit there were several shiny brown pips about the size of a pea. The leaves on the plants are fairly dark green with jagged edges. On returning home I planted some of the seeds and have two plants growing, however I can't find out what these plants are and how I should be caring for the plants. I was told by the local people that it was called New World Fruit or something that sounded like Mushmilla! Neither of these come up with anything when I search on the internet and I can't find any reference to them. Can anyone solve this mystery for me?
Thanks a lot Michael, that's exactly what it is, you've solved my mystery! I'll go away and read up on how to look after it now I know what it is!